Kingfisher Class
Summer Challenge
Welcome to Kingfisher Class,
We hope you have had a fabulous Summer, we can't wait to hear all about the adventures you have been on. We are looking forward to getting to know you in your new class as a Year 1 or 2 and are looking forward to some exciting learning this half term.
Our Key Texts this half term are:
Tidy By Emily Gravett
Perfectly Norman By Tom Percival
PE Day
Please note that no PE kit is needed for this term.
Forest School
Forest School will be on a Tuesday this term.
Please ensure that your child has named wellies that are kept in school at all times for Forest School and OPAL. Please ensure that children has a suitable coat/clothing with them. We aim to be outdoors whatever the weather.
Key Dates:
2nd Sept - INSET
3th Sept - Pupils start school: Topic Launch
10th September- KS1 Rushcliffe Recycle Assembly
16th September - Recycling Week
16th September- International Day of Democracy- Voting for our responsible roles
18th September - National Fitness Day
19th September - Individual photographs
20th September - International Day of Peace
23rd September - International Day of Sign Languages
26th September - European Day of Languages
27th September - Macmillan Coffee Morning
7th October - World Smile Day
10th October - World Mental Health Day
18th October- KS1 Trashion Show- Parents Invited in to celebrate our learning at 2pm
As always if you have any questions, please speak to your child's class teacher or contact the school office. We are looking forward to sharing this exciting and fun packed first half term with you.
Miss Greaves and Mrs Flint