This section of our website is designed to help you understand what the Governing Board of Radcliffe on Trent Infant and Nursery School does, how it is structured, who our current governors are and how to contact them.
Like all school governing bodies, our governors provide the school with strategic leadership and accountability. The Board has three key functions:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
Our Governing Body is made up of staff, parents and other members of our local community. We have two Co-Chairs who share the responsibilities of the role equally. The membership of our Board is arranged according to an Instrument of Government from the Local Authority (see Useful Documents below):
| Instrument of Government |
Head | 1 |
Staff Governor | 1 |
Parent Governors | 3 |
Local Authority Governor | 1 |
Co-opted Governors | 7 |
Total | 13 |
All governors serve a four-year term and then must either be re-elected, re-appointed or stand down. The Headteacher is appointed a governor by virtue of their office. Parent Governors remain governors until the end of their term of office, even if their child leaves the school before their term finishes.
The full Governing Body meets once a term. We discuss a wide range of issues and scrutinise a report from the Headteacher detailing progress made in the school over the previous period. The minutes of our meetings over the last year are available below.
Useful Documents: