Rainbow Ambassadors
Welcome from the Rainbow Ambassadors
As Rainbow Ambassadors we work together every day to spread the impact of our Rainbow Values throughout school. We remind everyone of our core values and what our rainbow represents:
We are kind
We share or thoughts
We are respectful
We are curious
We are resourceful
We are creative
We are resillient
We are reflective
Miss Geary shares a value of the month in her assemblies, we work hard to show how we can follow that value in all parts of school, especially at play times and lunch times.
We all set a good example to others and notice when we see others doing the same.
As a group we meet every half term and share ideas about how we can support our friends in school to make it a happy, friendly, and incredibly exciting and inclusive place to learn and play. We share our ideas at the meetings, these are shared with the leaders of our school. It means we get to take our thoughts and ideas right to the top!
We can always be spotted. We wear Rainbow Ambassador caps at play time and lunch time, and wear badges on our uniform. When anyone follows our values, Rainbow Ambassadors notice, if ever anyone wants to share their thoughts, Rainbow Ambassadors will always listen.