Ladybird Class
Spring 2 2025
Welcome to the second half of the spring term and in fact the second half of the school year. We have lots of lovely learning planned this half term!
The books which theme our learning this half term are:
Little Red Riding Hood
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Our PE day remains on a Tuesday - the children DO NOT need PE kit, we simply ask them to remove shoes and socks
Our Forest School day is Wednesday. Please bring a pair of wellies into school (preferably to keep in school) and bring a coat / waterproof clothing to change into if the weather is wet
Key Dates:
Monday 24th Feb - INSET Day
Tuesday 25th Feb - Parents Evening
Wednesday 26th Feb - Parents Evening
Thursday 27th Feb - Reception height and weight checks
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day - Non uniform / dress up
Friday 7th March - British Science Week
Friday 14th March - Holi
Friday 21st March - Down Syndrome Awareness Day
Friday 21st March - Poetry Day
Friday 21st March - Red Nose Day - Non Uniform Day
Friday 4th March - Last day of term
As always if you have any questions, please contact your child's class teacher or the school office. We are looking forward to a fun packed busy half term with you!!
Reception Team