What is RAINS?
The R.A.I.N.S (Radcliffe Association of the Infant & Nursery School) committee is a registered charity made up of a group of parents/carers with 1 teacher (supported by the head teacher) who get together for an hour or so once a month, in the evening to discuss, over coffee, ways in which we can raise funds for the Infant and Nursery School.
In recent years we have raised thousands of pounds in various ways such as, cake sales, discos, Spring Fairs, toy sales, tea towels, Christmas cards, uniform sales etc, all to raise money to pay for things that your children will benefit from.
In previous years we have paid for, or contributed to; a new stage for the whole school to use, new curtains in the hall, play equipment for the outdoor area such as the log train, Partake Theatre group visits to school, digital cameras, trips out of school and much more. Last year we were able to continue to help the school with the cost of purchasing lots of interactive I.T equipment for the children to use. In short, every child in the school will benefit from monies raised. This year we are raising money towards a fabulous "Lego Lodge".
How can you help?
We do give generously with our time and efforts in raising money, BUT we also have a lot of fun doing so, and we make our meetings as sociable and casual as possible. The nice thing is that there is no pressure for any of us on the committee to take on more than we want and therefore, we are able to play a big or as small a part as we feel we can offer. As a parent/carer you will already be a member of R.A.I.N.S by association of your child attending our school. However, we do always need new members to join the committee and attend meetings.
Don’t worry if you can only spare half an hour here or there, as no one is expected to attend every meeting or help on every event. The larger roles i.e. Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Refreshments are taken on purely voluntarily and various jobs are shared around to others who want to do that bit extra. If you feel that becoming involved in R.A.I.N.S is something you would like more information about we would be delighted to hear from you.
Also, if you feel that you have any special skills (publishing, accounting, discounted goods or services, transport, marketing and design etc) that you feel the school would benefit from please do not hesitate to contact us. We are also keen to encourage Dads and Grandparents to help us too!
Who can I talk to?
If you require further information about R.A.I.N.S, or you would like to help please leave your details at the school office or email Rains12@hotmail.com
Second hand uniform
If anyone would like to donate any uniform, please hand in the school office.
The uniform that is donated is sold to raise money for RAINS. The prices are as low as 20p, going up to £2. We usually raise around £200 a year from this fundraiser.
Not only does it save you money with fast growing children, it also helps to look after our environment.
We plan to continue with sales three times a year. But you can always contact the school office or RAINS if you need any uniform on demand.
Events and Fundraising we've organised so far
Spring Fair
Film Nights
Sample Sales
Competitions and Raffles
Adult Socials
Cake, doughnut and ice cream sales
Theme Sales (valentines, coronation, Easter etc)
Commemorative Tea towels
Christmas Cards
Second Hand Uniform sales
Tea and Coffee at events