Late/Absence Procedures
From 1st September 2013 the regulations regarding pupils’ leave of absence changed and stated that schools will not be able to grant leave of absences for holidays in term time. The amendments to these regulations make clear that head teachers shall not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please contact the school office and complete and absence request form.
Absence Reporting
Out of hours, there is also a dedicated answer phone to leave a message on, or you can contact us by email at
Alternatively, please phone and speak to the office staff on 0115 911 2991
Where it is essential for medication to be administered in school (asthma, diabetes, anaphylactic shock) parents must give electronic written permission and directions about how and when to use it via 'Medical Tracker'. Additionally, when 4 times a day medication in required we can administer this with consent – please contact the school office via or if requiring a care plan, contact the inclusion team on
(please see our medicine policy for full details)
Leave of absence during term time
A reminder that from now on we will not be able to grant leave of absence for holidays in term time. This has to be our policy from now on as the government has made changes to school attendance regulations which come into effect from 1st September 2013. The amendments to these regulations make clear that Headteachers shall not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Where possible we also need to request that medical appointments are also made out of school hours.
The government has made these changes because of the negative impact it has on learning and progress when children do not attend school. Consequently any holiday taken during term time will have to be recorded as unauthorised absence. Therefore, I must strongly encourage you to only take holidays during the school holiday times.
This will be the policy at both the Infant and Junior Schools. Thank you for your support in this matter.