Here are some suggestions of some non screen activities to do. We hope you enjoy them. Maybe send us a picture of what you have made, or done? You can use the year group emails to keep in touch, we love to see what you have been up to.
Take a look at the the book below, it's a book to read together about not going to school, and how it is making us feel. Maybe you can talk to a grown up about this?
A wonderful activity to do that will make some people special to you VERY happy!
While we are at home, maybe those of you at home together might like to think of marking this event. Take a look at this and see if you would like to work together to complete this challenge. You can talk together about how you may feel, things you like and don't like about your life at the moment, things you may like to remember.
Here are some websites that you might like to visit for some fun activities. Let us know what you think and what you liked. Enjoy!