Artsmark Silver Award
I am absolutely delighted to inform you that we have been awarded the SILVER Artsmark Award.
The feedback we received direct from the Artsmark team said:
“Radcliffe-on-Trent Infant and Nursery School have used this Artsmark journey to develop your art, music and dance curriculum, increasing the amount of curriculum time for these subjects, and staff expertise in delivering arts subjects through in house CPD and with Rushcliffe schools. An Art area in each of your classrooms is a non-negotiable resource. Your Rainbow value of 'We are creative' has been embedded across medium and long term plans for all subjects and arts subjects support your strong SMSC practice. Art and music have become the starting point for ensuring your curriculum is diverse and inclusive, and you encourage all pupil premium children to access a free extra-curriculum club.”
Thank you and well done to everyone’s hard work and dedication involved!